Title: Gaze analysis and applications

Date: 28 May 2024


Eyes are the window to the soul. But we are still far from developed techniques reading the mind from the eye. In this talk, I will introduce our attempts in analyzing the eyes including 3D gaze estimation, 2D/3D gaze following, and dyadic gaze pattern analysis. Finally, how gaze analysis may help to diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will also be introduced.


Shiguang Shan received his M.S. degree in computer science from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 1999, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, in 2004. After graduation, he joined ICT, CAS in 2002 and became a full Professor in 2010. He is now the deputy director of the Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing of CAS. His research interests cover computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning (deep learning). He especially focuses on face recognition related research topics, and machine learning with little data or weakly-supervised data. He has published more than 200 papers in refereed journals and proceedings in the areas of computer vision and pattern recognition. He has served as Area Chair for many international conferences including ICCV11, ICPR12, ACCV12, FG13, ICPR14, ICASSP14, ACCV16, ACCV18, FG18, and BTAS18. He is(/was) Associate Editors of several international journals including IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Neurocomputing, and Pattern Recognition Letters. He is a recipient of the China’s State Natural Science Award in 2015, and the China’s State S&T Progress Award in 2005 for his research work. He is also personally interested in brain science, cognitive neuroscience, as well as their interdisciplinary research topics with AI.

Categories: Keynotes